Eurasia Consort

During the Tang Dynasty period (the 7th – 9th century) the Silk Road was filled with foreign culture. It was brought by merchants from Sogdiana. They brought many things into China including music and musical instruments. Some music came from India, and some from Persia. Emperors loved them, and it became Chinese court music.
It moved far more to the East, Korea and Japan. Then, it survived in Japan although unfortunately it disappeared from China.
In Japan Togaku survived as Gagaku music. Also, some musical instruments survived at the emperor’s treasure house, Shosoin. One more, several Togaku manuscripts survived mainly in Japan and were transcribed by several musicologists during the last century. We revive Togaku using Musicologists' approach.
Founded by Tomoko Sugawara and August Denhard in 2013 The Eurasia Consort has given frequent concerts in New York, Seattle and Houston. They have collaborated with leading musicians from East Asia and the Middle East. Past performances are in the Gotham Early Music Midtown Concert series in the St. Malachy's Church, Tenri Institute in New York and Trinity Parish Church, the Gig Harbor History Museum in Pacific Northwest in Seattle and Asia Society in Houston.
The Eurasia Consort received several grants and awards, among them the New York Cultural Affairs grant, the New York State of Opportunity grant, Dunhuang Foundation grant, Chamber Music America award and the Cheswatyr Foundation grant. Tomoko Sugawara and August Denhard both visited Dunhuang on an another Dunhuang Foundation research grants. In 2019 Sugawara received a research grant from Asian Cultural Council and explored Tang Dynasty music at Shanghai Conservatory of Music for four months.